
2024/8/30 13:57:14 作者:佚名 来源:伊秀美容网


She stood up abruptly, her whole being ablaze with the fire of rebellion.

那家着火的房子就在我的隔壁。She stood up abruptly, her whole being ablaze with the fire of rebellion.

她猛可地站了起来,全身是反抗的火焰。Lateral staminodes reduced to small teeth at base of labellum or absent.

侧生退化雄蕊退化至小的齿在唇瓣基部或无。That child is an absolute pest he keeps ringing the doorbell and then running away!

那孩子讨厌极了 老是来按门铃,按完就跑了!His works are free from affectation, with absolutely no trace of embellishment.

他的作品绝无雕琢的痕迹。Freezes to death stands against the wind, starves to death a belly, the spirit cannot lose absolutely.

冻死迎风站,饿死挺肚皮,精神绝对不能丢。English has an absolutely, unspeakably awful spelling system, said Bell, a former English teacher and author of the book Understanding English Spelling.

英语这个语言的拼写系统真是一言难尽的糟糕。Grifola umbellate could also absorb nutrition from the earth.

猪苓自身也具有从周围环境中吸收营养物质得能力。He has a bellyful of absorbing tales.

他有一肚子好听的故事。He was too absorbed in the newspaper to hear the bell.

他专心读报,连门铃也没听见。He was so absorbed in a book that he did not hear the bell.

他如此专心致志地读书以致没听见铃响。This paper reports the preparation results of accelerative and stable reagents used in detecting Hepatitis B Viral labelled s with ELISA.

本文报道乙肝酶标检测中增速剂和稳定剂的研制结果。Is there an industry accepted method for labelling compliant products ?

是否有行业公认的方式去标贴合格的产品?Is there an industry accepted method for labelling compliant products?

是否有行业公认得方式去标贴合格得产品?She would not have complained nor rebelled, but would have humbly accepted the decree.

她不会反对或埋怨, 而只会恭恭敬敬地接受这样的宣判。Secure call bell in accessible location.

病人带好眼镜和。Accessories reinforce hinge, various locks, handle, peepholes and doorbells.

附件加强铰链,各种门锁,拉手,窥视孔和门铃。In addition, a necklace, scarf what accessories do embellishment, believed to be the finishing touch oh!

另外,加点项链,丝巾什么的配饰做点缀,相信会画龙点睛哦!The owner accidentally set off the fire bell, and two fire engines arrived.

主人偶然碰响了火警铃,结果来了两辆救火车。Research about the Bronze Bell Chimes in the No.14 Accompanying Burying Pit of Luozhuang Han Mausoleum

洛庄汉墓14号陪葬坑编钟研究The tinkling bell accompanied the girl's ringing laughter.

叮当的铃声里夹杂着姑娘银铃般的笑声。There are folk songs for fishermen in the south of the country, sometimes accompanied by bells and gongs.

南方有渔民的民歌,有时会伴随着铃声和锣声。According to the actual application environment, this text carried Bell.

基于实际的应用环境, 本文对贝尔。Investment in accordance with the bell, the most worthwhile to invest in bonds.

依照投资钟, 债券最值得投资。